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IVAS Advanced Certification in Veterinary Chinese Herbal Medicine


2 Years


$6,887.35 USD

Visit to learn more about the Veterinary Chinese Herbal Medicine courses discussed here and for enrollment. You can enrol in the courses at any time through IVAS, and begin studying straight away. Registration is via completion of the application form, please CLICK HERE.

About the Course

You might find yourself wishing there was something more you could be doing for your patients. Laboratory and clinical research into the pharmacological and physiological effects of herbal medicines is increasing exponentially and revealing new opportunities to help treat:

  • Chronic disease
  • Resistant viral and bacterial infections
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Tumors and metastasis
  • Conditions of old age
  • And many of the common disorders we see in veterinary practice

The International Veterinary Acupuncture Society (IVAS) Pathways to Excellence in Veterinary Chinese Herbal Medicine (VCHM) offers licensed veterinarians clinically orientated education and skills. All courses are delivered by the government accredited College of Integrative Veterinary Therapies (CIVT). If you want to extend your knowledge and add Chinese Herbal Medicine to your armory, then the IVAS Certification in Veterinary Chinese Herbal Medicine offers you the chance to expand your treatment options in a very rational, effective and evidence-based way.

  • Traditional and biomedical understandings of Chinese herbal formulas
  • Flexible format via online education
  • Self-paced study to fit your schedule, wherever your laptop computer may take you
  • Support by experienced veterinary practitioners
  • RACE accreditation

IVAS Advanced Certification in Veterinary Chinese Herbal Medicine (ACVCHM) 

  • This 500 hour course provides a more in-depth training to provide you with advanced expertise in applying Chinese herbal medicine to most clinical cases, not just common disorders. You will also have an in-depth understanding of Chinese herbal medicine at an advanced level.
  • The course consists of 8 Modules of 60 to 65 hours hours each (2-3 months per module) and generally takes between 15 and 21 months to complete. You will be given 24 months to complete this self-paced course.
  • At the conclusion of this course you will have advanced clinical skills and will be capable of tackling intransigent cases that have limited therapeutic options in conventional veterinary medicine.
  • On completion you may articulate into the degree program, the Graduate Diploma Veterinary Chinese Herbal Medicine with full recognition of prior learning and one final module to complete (if practice experience is current).

Visit to learn more about the Veterinary Chinese Herbal Medicine courses discussed here and for enrollment. You can enrol in the courses at any time through IVAS, and begin studying straight away. Registration is via completion of the application form, please CLICK HERE.

Please note that this is an evidence-based course delivered by qualified and experienced practitioners but is not an Australian government-accredited qualification.

Communication and course materials

  • Study guides, readings, lecture notes
  • Video lectures
  • Case support throughout your course
  • Tutor support and mentoring
  • Online discussion and interaction


  • 99 RACE Credits
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Dr Susi Lam
Dr Jodi Van Tine
Dr Joanna Milan
Dr Steve Marsden

Meet the Tutors and Lecturers

Dr Susi Lam
Dr Susanne Lam studied at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna when she was first exposed to acupuncture through Dr Oswald Kothbauer. After being based in Hong Kong for 17 years, Susi moved back to Austria permanently in 2012 with...
2 Webinars and 11 Courses
Dr. Jodi Van Tine received a Masters Degree in Cellular Immunology from San Jose State University in 1990. She earned the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Degree from the University of California, Davis, in 1994. For three years she practiced mixed...
2 Webinars and 9 Courses
Dr Joanna Milan is a 1990 graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. She achieved Certification in Veterinary Acupuncture from the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society (IVAS) in 2002....
1 Webinar and 4 Courses
Dr Steve Marsden received his doctorate in veterinary medicine at the University of Saskatchewan in 1988. At the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon he obtained a doctorate in Naturopathic medicine, a Master's of Science...
35 Webinars and 15 Courses

What will you Learn

Module 1 Chinese Medicine Overview and Demystifying the Metaphors

This module provides an in-depth approach to Chinese diagnosis methods of identifying patterns of clinical signs.

This is underpinning knowledge for the rest of the course.

This module teaches Chinese medical concepts including physiology, the etiology of disease, patterns of disharmony, methods of examination, principles and methods of treatment from a herbal medicine perspective.


Module 1 Chinese Medicine Overview and Demystifying the Metaphors

This module provides an in-depth approach to Chinese diagnosis methods of identifying patterns of clinical signs.

This is underpinning knowledge for the rest of the course.

This module teaches Chinese medical concepts including physiology, the etiology of disease, patterns of disharmony, methods of examination, principles and methods of treatment from a herbal medicine perspective.

Unit 1 Overview of Chinese Physiology and Pathology

  • Topic 1 Introduction to Chinese herbal medicine
  • Topic 2 Overview of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Unit 2 Chinese medical Pathology and Pathophysiology

  • Topic 3 Chinese medicine physiology
  • Topic 4 Chinese health paradigm and causes of disease
  • Topic 5 Chinese medicine pathology
  • Topic 6 Chinese medicine pathophysiology I
  • Topic 7 Chinese medicine pathophysiology II

Unit 3 Making the Diagnosis: The four examinations

  • Topic 8 Approach to Chinese medical Diagnosis
  • Topic 9 Diagnostic methods I
  • Topic 10 Diagnostic methods II
  • Topic 11 Diagnostic methods III
  • Topic 12 Diagnostic methods IV
  • Topic 13 Diagnostic methods V
  • Topic 14 Diagnostic methods VI

Unit 4 Needle First Diagnose Later

  • Topic 15 Diagnostic methods VII


Module 2 Chinese Herbal Medicine Prescribing

This module focuses on herbal medicine pharmacology, pharmacognosy and how herbs are made, quality issues and safety issues.

This module teaches the properties of herbs and their correlation with function and focuses on the approach to prescribing herbs by correlating clinical diagnosis with formula actions. Herb drug interactions, adverse events and interpreting outcomes are part of case management. The biomedical basis of Chinese herbal medicine is emphasized and students will explore how products are made, quality issues, safety and the practice of Chinese herbal veterinary medicine that excludes animal products and endangered species.

Unit 5 Assessing the Energetics of Herbs

  • Topic 1 Assessing the properties of herbs I
  • Topic 2 Assessing the properties of herbs II

Unit 6 The Art of Prescribing herbs

  • Topic 3 The clinical approach
  • Topic 4 The art of prescribing herbs I
  • Topic 5 The art of prescribing herbs II
  • Topic 6  Herb-drug interactions and adverse events

Unit 7 Biomedical Basis of Chinese Herbal Medicine

  • Topic 7 Biomedical basis of Chinese herbal medicine

Unit 8 Contemporary Issues in Veterinary Chinese Herbal Medicine

  • Topic 8 Contemporary issues
  • Topic 9 Practice dispensary I
  • Topic 10 Practice dispensary II


Module 3 Gastrointestinal and Liver Conditions & Chinese Food Therapy

This module covers the pathophysiology of gastrointestinal disorders and liver conditions from a Chinese medicine perspective that can be integrated with Western pathophysiology.

Unit 9 Herbal Therapeutic Categories I

  • Topic 1 Categories of the Materia Medica I

Unit 10 Strategies for gastrointestinal Disorders

  • Topic 2 Chinese herbal treatment of gastrointestinal disorders
  • Topic 3 Gastrointestinal Disorders Overview
  • Topic 4 Protocols for GIT Disorders I
  • Topic 5 Protocols for GIT Disorders II
  • Topic 6 Review of Herbal Formulas for GIT Disorders I
  • Topic 7 Review of Herbal Formulas for GIT Disorders II

Unit 11

  • Topic 8 Chinese herbal treatment of liver disorders
  • Topic 9 Liver Disorders
  • Topic 10 Protocols for Liver Disorders
  • Topic 11 Herbal formula Review for Liver Conditions

Unit 12 Chinese Food Therapy

  • Topic 14 Chinese Food Therapy

 Unit 13 Case Studies in Veterinary Chinese Herbal Medicine

  • Topic 13 Case studies of GIT Disorders
  • Topic 13 Case studies in Liver Conditions

Module 4 Neurology,  Musculoskeletal Conditions and Behaviour

This module covers the pathophysiology of pain in musculoskeletal disease, paralysis, neurological conditions such as seizures and vestibular syndrome and behavioral conditions (such as aggression, anxiety and cognitive dysfunction) from a Chinese medicine perspective that can be integrated with Western pathophysiology.

Unit 14 Herbal Therapeutic Categories II

  • Topic 1 Categories of the Materia Medica II

Unit 15 Strategies for Musculoskeletal Pain and Paralysis

  • Topic 2 Chinese herbal treatment of pain and paralysis in small animals
  • Topic 3 Pain Paralysis General
  • Topic 4 Bi Syndrome Overview and treatment
  • Topic 5 TCM Patterns for Pain and paralysis
  • Topic 6 Protocols for Musculoskeletal Conditions
  • Topic 7 Protocols for Musculoskeletal Conditions II
  • Topic 8 Review of Herbal Formulas 1
  • Topic 9 Review of Herbal Formulas II

Unit 16 Strategies for Neurological Conditions

  • Topic 10 Chinese herbal treatment of neurological disorders
  • Topic 11 Chinese neurology Overview
  • Topic 12 Protocols for Neurological Disorders 1
  • Topic 13 Protocols for Neurological Disorders II
  • Topic 14 Review of Formulas for Neurological Conditions

Unit 17 Strategies for Behavioral Conditions

  • Topic 15 Chinese herbal medicine for Behavioral disorders I
  • Topic 16  Chinese herbal medicine for Behavioral disorders II
  • Topic 17  Protocols for Behavioral conditions I
  • Topic 18 Protocols for Behavioral conditions II
  • Topic 19 Herbal Formulas for Behaviour Conditions

Unit 18 Case Studies in Veterinary Chinese Herbal Medicine

  • Topic 20 Case studies for Musculoskeletal Disorders
  • Topic 21 Case studies for Neurological Conditions
  • Topic 22  Case studies for Behavioral Conditions

Module 5 Kidney, Urinary and Endocrine

This module covers the pathophysiology of renal and urinary tract disease and common endocrine disorders from a Chinese medicine perspective that can be integrated with Western pathophysiology.

Unit 19 Herbal Categories III

  • Topic 1 Categories of the Materia Medica III

Unit 20 Strategies for Kidney and Urinary Tract Conditions

  • Topic 2 Chinese medical treatment of small animal kidney disorders
  • Topic 3 Chinese medical treatment of small animal bladder disorders
  • Topic 4 Urogenital Disorders review pathophysiology
  • Topic 5 Protocls for Urogenital Disorders I
  • Topic 6 Protocols for Urogenital Disorders II
  • Topic 7 Review of herbal Formulae

Unit 21 Strategies for Endocrine Conditions

  • Topic 8 Chinese herbal treatment of common small animal endocrine disorders
  • Topic 9 Protocols for Endocrine Disorders I
  • Topic 10 Protocols for Endocrine Disorders II

Unit 22 Case Studies in veterinary Chinese Herbal Medicine

  • Topic 11 Case Studies in Urinary & Kidney Disorders
  • Topic 12 Case Studies in Endocrinology

Module 6 Respiratory, Cardiovascular Conditions & Dermatology

This module covers the pathophysiology of common cardio/respiratory conditions and skin conditions from a Chinese medicine perspective that can be integrated with Western pathophysiology.

Unit 23 Herbal Categories IV and V

  • Topic 1 Categories of the Materia Medica IV
  • Topic 2 Categories of the Materia Medica V

Unit 24 Strategies for Dermatological Conditions

  • Topic 3 Chinese medical pathophysiology and herbal treatment of skin disease
  • Topic 4 Chinese Dermatology Overview
  • Topic 5 Approach to Skin Cases
  • Topic 6 Protocols for Skin Disorders
  • Topic 7 Protocols for Ear Disorders
  • Topic 8 Review of Skin herbal Formulas

Unit 25 Strategies for Cardiac and Respiratory Conditions

  • Topic 9 Chinese herbal treatment of cardio-respiratory disorders
  • Topic 10 Cardiac Disorders General
  • Topic 11 Protocols for Cardiovascular conditions
  • Topic 12 Formulas for Heart Disease
  • Topic 13 Respiratory Disorders General
  • Topic 14 Protocols for Respiratory Disorders
  • Topic 15 Formulas for Respiratory Disorders

Unit 26 Case Studies in veterinary Chinese Herbal Medicine

  • Topic 16 Case studies in Dermatology
  • Topic 17 Case studies in Cardiac and respiratory Conditions

Module 7 Oncology,  Immune mediated Diseases and Ophthalmology

This module covers the pathophysiology of common autoimmune conditions, neoplastic and eye conditions from a Chinese medicine perspective that can be integrated with Western pathophysiology.

Unit 27 Herbal categories VI

  • Topic 1 Categories of the Materia Medica VI

Unit 28 Autoimmune Conditions

  • Topic 2 Chinese medical pathophysiology and treatment of autoimmune diseases
  • Topic 3 Immune and Autoimmune Conditions Overview
  • Topic 4 Protocols for Immune Disorders
  • Topic 5 Protocols for Immune Disorders II
  • Topic 6 Herbal Formulas review

Topic 29 Oncology

  • Topic 7 Chinese herbal support and treatment of cancer
  • Topic 8 Perspectives on Cancer
  • Topic 9 Chinese Persepectives on Cancer
  • Topic 10 Protocols for Cancer 1
  • Topic 11 Protocols for cancer II
  • Topic 12 Review of herbal formulas

Topic 30 Eye Disorders

  • Topic 13 Chinese herbal treatment of common eye disorders
  • Topic 14 Chinese Ophthalmology I
  • Topic 15 Chinese Ophthalmology II

Unit 31  Case Studies in veterinary Chinese Herbal Medicine

  • Topic 16 Case studies in autoimmune disease
  • Topic 17 Case studies in Oncology
  • Topic 18 Case Studies in ophthalmology

Module 8 Classic Formulas

This module covers the main Chinese Classic Formulas discussed throughout the course with a focus on biomedical actions and diversity of utility and their mainstream Western clinical applications.

  • Topic 1 Formulas I
  • Topic 2 Formulas II
  • Topic 3 Formulas III
  • Topic 4 Formulas IV
  • Topic 5 Formulas V
  • Topic 6 Formulas VI
  • Topic 7 Formula Tables I
  • Topic 8 Formula Tables II


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IVAS Advanced Certification in Veterinary Chinese Herbal Medicine

Before you take the course

Below requirements are needed before you can take this course.
  • Basic internet skills and access to the internet with good download speeds
  • A head set or good speakers to listen to video lectures
  • To set aside regular time each week to complete your learning and assessment tasks (nominally 3 to 5 hours per week)

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Frequently Asked Questions

Want to know more about the questions that our students asked?
Is online study right for me?

The College of Integrative Veterinary Therapies offers courses that are both challenging and rewarding. You can learn at your own pace under the tutelage of experts in their field. Online or distance learning is not for everyone. Think carefully before you enroll. To succeed in online learning and distance education you will need:

  • A commitment to study and enquiry
  • To be capable of self directed learning with our guidance and support through your course
  • Motivation to pursue your course of study
  • Access to the internet and a printer
  • A good internet service that provides a good speed for downloads
  • An enthusiasm for engaging with your tutors and peers
  • The ability to work on your own or collaborate in a team
  • The capability of an independent level of written and spoken English
  • An appointment by phone may be requested prior to course commencement- we don't want you to start if we think we can't provide the right experience for you
  • If you are not sure contact us, we can help you gain a  full understanding of our courses before applying.

What you won't need is to pay airfares, travel, hotel bills by participating in green education!

All our courses are available to enrol at any time.  Our courses are part time, self paced within the course timeframe, and fully online.  Sometimes there is a scheduled start date for a course, in which we accept a group intake of enrolments. This encourages a cohort of students to move through the course together, making for a more interactive learning experience.

Although some courses have live sessions available, there are no live sessions that you are required to attend for any of our courses.  Our courses are delivered online and are self paced within the course timeframe, to give you the greatest flexibility with your study. You can study anywhere, anytime that suits you. We have great learning tools such as lectures, comprehensive course notes, videos, online resources, discussion forum and continuous support from our highly qualified and experienced tutors to help you can get the most out of your course.

Please refer to our enrolment terms and conditions when seeking extra time in a course, 

If you take a "leave of absence/deferral" from a course this freezes your progress in the course.  You will have no access to the course during this time.  A request for a leave of absence/deferral can be made for up to 3 months, initially.  Longer periods of time away from the course can be reviewed after this time.  If you want to use any course resources whilst you are taking your leave of absence/deferral you will need to download the material (such as documents, course notes, reading material) beforehand.  There is no fee to take a leave of absence/deferral, however your regular payment instalments for the course will continue.

If you request an "extension" for a course, you may be given extra time in a course and still have full access to the course.  An extension can be granted for up to, or equal to, the maximal period of study for that course.  There is a fee involved in applying for an extension, this varies according to the amount of extra time requested and is found on the link provided.


This depends on the type of course you enrol in.

Our introductory or short courses require approximately 3-5 hours per week.  Our Certifications and Graduate Diplomas require approximately 5-10 hours per week.  This will vary amongst individuals, depending on the pace in which they learn.  More time may be needed each week, depending on how long an individual needs to spend on completing assignments. 

If you are a registered Veterinarian, you are eligible to enrol in any of our courses, 

If you are a Veterinary Technician or Veterinary Nurse or Animal Health Professional you may be able to apply to enrol in selected courses for Veterinarians, however you will need to go through an eligibility process first. Otherwise, you can apply for our courses for Animal Health Professionals, 

If you are a Pet Owner, you can apply for our courses designed for Pet Owners, 


Earn your own CIVT certificate of completion

The College of Integrative Veterinary Therapies offers courses that are both challenging and rewarding. You can learn at your own pace under the tutelage of experts in their field. What you won’t need is to pay airfares, travel, hotel bills by participating in green education!

Your certificate will be issued in your legal name and sent to you upon successful completion of the program, as per the stipulated requirements.

Visit to learn more about the Veterinary Chinese Herbal Medicine courses discussed here and for enrollment. You can enrol in the courses at any time through IVAS, and begin studying straight away. Registration is via completion of the application form, please CLICK HERE.

What's next after taking this course

Recommended courses after you completed this course
11043NAT-Graduate Diploma of Veterinary Chinese Herbal Medicine
2 Years
Chinese Herbal Medicine, Graduate Diploma
Tutors and Lecturers:
Graduate Diploma of Veterinary Chinese Herbal Medicine