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About CIVT

CIVT is committed to providing the highest quality education in natural medicine for animals drawing on the expertise and knowledge of leading veterinarians and educators across the world.

Our College offers accredited and non-accredited tertiary education. CIVT is a government (Australian Skills Quality Authority) Registered Training Organisation TGA 91769 which conducts itself under the Australian Quality Training Framework guidelines.

Profile of CIVT

  • Established in 2006 by veterinarians
  • Registered Training Organisation 2010
  • The world’s first online College teaching Integrative Veterinary Medicine
  • Leading instructional design and e learning technologies
  • Comprehensive evidence based education with a good balance of science and tradition
  • International Faculty
  • International Student body from over 29 countries
  • Short courses, Certification and Graduate Programs in Chinese Veterinary Herbal Medicine, Western Herbal Medicine, Veterinary Complementary Medicine, Veterinary Naturopathy, Holistic Nutrition, Evidence Based Complementary Medicine, Environmental Medicine and more
  • Postgraduate and professional development training for veterinarians
  • Courses for RVT, veterinary technicians and veterinary nurses
  • Courses for people with a passion for animals and natural health
  • Online classrooms and face to face classes
  • Full Membership for veterinarians
  • Associate membership for animal health professionals
  • Friends of CIVT for people who believe we can make a difference


Our mission is to provide international leadership in delivery of comprehensive and quality veterinary natural medicine education that is evidence based.  We aim to bridge science and tradition to benefit animal health and wellbeing by integrating the best of natural medicine and conventional health care practices. We encourage an ecological and environmentally aware approach to the health of our animals, ourselves, our communities and our planet.


CIVT is the leading provider of evidence based natural medicine education, for animals, in the world. CIVT inspires veterinarians and animal health providers to integrate natural medicines with mainstream health. CIVT is committed to raising the profile of natural medicine for animals in way that improves animal health, people health and environmental health. Graduates from CIVT are recognised as having the highest quality education, our graduates are confident and competent and leaders in the area of animal natural medicine.

Core Values

  • We value innovation and quality
    We embrace quality and innovation in the courses we provide and the learning experience of our students.
  • We value life long learning
    We encourage a reflective model of learning and inspire lifelong learning experiences.
  • We value mutuality and flexibility
    Demonstrated by our openness to ideas, collaboration and the contributions by stakeholders including teachers, students, associations, animal carers and natural medicine companies.
  • We value caring for our students, ourselves, our animals and our environment
    Holism embraces the ecology of connectedness and balance in all that we do, we offer courses to help us achieve this.
  • We value integrity and freedom
    We demonstrate this through all our dealings, communications and ideas and in the ability to explore and grow.