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Competency Based Training

What is Competency Based Education?

Competency Based Education differs from traditional education and continuing education in a number of ways:

  1. Competency based education is a self-driven process where students can learn at their own pace and on the job. Training is practically relevant to provide the student with knowledge and skills.
  2. Instead of stressful exams, that test knowledge only, there are a variety of methods by which students can prove their competency. For example, instead of a three hour exam, competency based education would appraise a student’s knowledge and skills through a range of assessments (such as case based reports, observation of skill application, evidence of practice, video, written tasks)
  3. Competency based education recognizes prior knowledge, training and experience so you may not need to do the whole course. Some students just undertake the parts they haven’t done before and some experienced practitioners choose to do the assessments only (note: the recognition of prior learning process requires proof of current, competent practice
  4. Competency based education leads to a government accredited qualification, so performance and qualification requirements are set out clearly

CIVT accredited qualifications employ competency based training techniques and assessments.


For more information about recognition of prior learning please click here or e-mail to collegeoffice@civtedu.org.