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Student Handbook

Table of contents

1 Marketing

2 Provision of Information

3 Access and Equity

4 Language, Literacy & Numeracy

5 Recognition of Prior Learning

6 Recognition and Direct Credit

7 Withdrawal Policy

8 Deferment Policy

9 Default of Payment while on Payment Plan

10 Replacement Documents

11 Course Duration

12 Workplace Health and Safety

13 Support Services

14 Counselling and Discipline

15 Complaints / Appeals

16 Workplace Bullying and Harassment

17 Anti-discrimination

18 Privacy Policy

19 Feedback and Continuous Improvement

20 Version Control

21 Validation Strategy

22 Risk Management

23 Issuing Qualifications

24 Computer Requirements

1 Marketing

CIVT is committed to ensuring that its marketing and advertising of courses complies with AQF requirements.

  • It uses the NRT logo only for qualifications within scope
  • When using references or endorsements about its products and services, it ensures it has appropriate permissions.
  • All marketing materials are approved by an authorised member of the RTO.
  • The RTO identifies training and assessment services leading to AQF qualifications and/or statements of attainment separately from other training services they might provide.

2 Provision of Information

CIVT supplies accurate, relevant and up-to-date information to prospective students  prior to completing enrollment.

CIVT reviews all information regularly, through its version control policy, to ensure accuracy and relevance.

Prior to enrolment, CIVT supplies students with information about:

  • Student selection processes
  • Course information including vocational outcomes
  • Fees and charges
  • Provision for forms of assistance where appropriate
  • Opportunities for RPL/ credit transfers

3 Access and Equity

At all levels of operation, CIVT is committed to the principles of access and equity. Equity is about justice and fair dealing, not necessarily about treating all people the same way. Access ensures that any disadvantaged persons or groups in our community will have the provision of training services. CIVT Trainers and Assessors will ensure that all course participants have sufficient resources provided to assist them to successfully complete course requirements. Some examples of this might be:

  • Literacy and numeracy support
  • Flexible delivery of training and/or assessment components of the course
  • An accessible venue.

Disability Support

In keeping with the principles of accessibility and equity, and in accordance with their responsibilities as defined under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992,CIVT  is committed to ensuring that all students are supported in achieving their goals. Where barriers exist for students in relation to access, participation and learning outcomes, CIVT will work with the student to ensure fair and equitable access and outcomes are achieved.

Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islanders

CIVT is committed to ensuring that Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islanders are also given sufficient support to meet their learning needs.

4 Language, Literacy & Numeracy

The induction process includes a review of Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) needs. A test is available which is optional and opportunity is provided for students to choose to complete this or not.

However, it is recommended students complete this because the process assists trainers to better meet the individual needs of each student.

The enrolment form also offers an opportunity for students to identify any other particular needs they might have. Please discuss any concerns with your trainer.

CIVT is committed to providing fair and equitable access to learning for all students and this will be monitored throughout the course.

5 Recognition of Prior Learning

What is RPL?

Recognition of prior learning (RPL) takes into account previous studies you may have completed as well as life and work experiences. If these experiences are relevant, you may be granted exemptions for parts of your course. This allows for fairer access to studies by ensuring you are not required to duplicate learning you have already achieved.

Using the RPL procedure is not necessarily an easy way to get a qualification. It is not a matter of time served, or amount of experience, but the specific and relevant learning that is assessed according to the prescribed competency standards. Applicants need to be committed to supporting their case by locating and providing suitable evidence and documentation.

All applicants for RPL are encouraged to discuss this with their trainer prior to commencing the formal application process.

Steps for an evidence based RPL assessment:

Following the receipt of your RPL Survey and a conversation with your trainer the RTO will provide you with the resources you will need to collect evidence of your current skills and experience.

  • You collect evidence and return to the RTO.
  • The assessor evaluates the evidence and notifies you if there are any further pieces of evidence that are required.
  • The assessor negotiates an interview time with you, during which your evidence will be discussed as it relates specifically to the Competency Standards for which you are seeking RPL.
  • At this point an assessor may also recommend that you complete one or more units of competence in order to satisfy requirements.
  • The assessor conducts the assessment of all the evidence, and advises you of the result. This will be recorded in your Dashboard.
  • The assessor deems you competent or will ask for further evidence.
  • When the evidence meets the Unit of Competency requirements the RTO issues the appropriate statement of attainment or qualification.
  • The length of time for this process will depend almost entirely on how much evidence you have and the time taken to collect all of the relevant evidence.
  • Because it is possible that you are not aware of what RPL you may be eligible, CIVT conducts an evaluation of this for you as part of its Personal Learning Plan process. Direct Credit: if you have completed some study similar to any units from the qualification in which you are enrolled with CIVT, then it might be possible to award Direct Credit. Your trainer will provide further advice about this.

6 Recognition and Direct Credit

A key principle of the Standards for RTOs 2015 Registered Training Organisations is national recognition (formerly known as mutual recognition), which means that all states, territories and registered training organisations will recognise qualifications and statements of attainment issued by other registered training organizations across Australia. If you have completed Units of Competency from other Training Packages, you may be eligible for Direct Credit. You will need to provide copies of qualifications
for Direct Credit to be granted.

7 Withdrawal Policy

Refunds for Cancellation/Withdrawal:

To withdraw from a course students should complete a Course Withdrawal form.

CIVT will contact the student upon receipt of the withdrawal form to assess and discuss any outstanding issues e.g. return of course materials, completed units, outstanding fees, etc

Refunds for cancellation/withdrawal can be granted for course fees paid less a $250 administration fee per module (note that some courses have more than one module), provided advice of cancellation/withdrawal is received in writing prior to the commencement of the course or module. NOTE: Once you have logged into your online classroom, your course or module is deemed to have commenced. Please advise the reason for cancellation/withdrawal on the Cancellation/Withdrawal Form with supporting documentation. Choose your courses carefully as unfortunately we cannot accept responsibility for changes in your personal circumstances or work commitments which occur after the commencement of your course or module. Any course fees outstanding are still due and payable. For any modules that have not been commenced when a course has been paid in full, the remaining fees minus a $250 administration fee can be applied as a credit transfer to another CIVT course. Refunds may take two to three weeks to process.

8 Deferment Policy

Students wishing to defer their studies or take a 'leave of absence' need to complete the appropriate form.

The term deferment applies to suspending course access for a period of time up to 1 year (negotiable based on circumstances). You may be asked for documentary evidence to support your deferral request. Routinely, a 'leave of absence' due to family or work commitments will be granted for up to 3 months without a requirement for documentary evidence. We rely on professional honesty in this process.

During a deferral or leave of absence the student will no longer have access to their course. The period of deferment or leave of absence is not included in the overall time taken by the student for course completion.

PLEASE NOTE: Deferral is at the discretion of the tutors and student support staff and is not a foregone conclusion.

9 Default of Payment while on Payment Plan

Enrolment of students on a payment plan will be terminated immediately should agreed payments not be met, and should notification of inability to meet agreed payments not be provided 7 days prior to due date.
In the event of withdrawal, students on Payment Plans will be liable for an additional $25 per additional payment that has been planned.

10 Replacement Documents

A fee of $40 applies to replacement of Credentials and/or Statements of Attainment. Proof of identity may be required.

11 Course Duration

Course duration is calculated as the number of calendar months commencing from the date of payment, plus one week to access the course. 

In event of extension, the extension period is calculated from the date of the payment of the extension fee.

12 Workplace Health and Safety

CIVT is committed to establishing, maintaining and enforcing a safe system that focuses on:

  • A safe work environment
  • A risk management approach to safety
  • Preventing injury/illness
  • Complying with legislative requirements
  • If, at any time during the CIVT training program, you identify hazards in the workplace please notify your trainer immediately. Incident Report Forms are available from the RTO on request .Trainers regularly review venues and assets to identify and mitigate risks. All hazards are reported, and are addressed through the RTO’s Risk Register and Action Plan.

13 Support Services

CIVT is aware of its responsibilities under ASQA to provide adequate protection for the health, safety and welfare of students attending face-to-face training sessions. This includes adequate and appropriate support services in terms of academic mentoring and coaching services. CIVT is also aware of their obligations towards students with a recognizable disability as defined under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. They will work with such students to customize their services, including making reasonable adjustment to the provision of assessment services in order to facilitate their successful participation in education, training and employment opportunities

14 Counselling and Discipline

In striving to have a skilled, competent and caring workforce, unsatisfactory student performance and/or conduct will be addressed in a professional manner to ensure a fair and consistent process in line with natural justice.

Within the framework CIVT is committed to ensuring that inappropriate behaviour that may impair the learning processes or the well being of individuals is appropriately managed.

CIVT students have a right to:

  • Be treated fairly and with respect
  • Pursue their learning activities in a supportive and stimulating environment
  • Learn in an environment free of discrimination and harassment
  • Be assured of privacy of their personal information and records
  • Lodge a complaint without fear of victimisation.

CIVT Students have responsibilities to:

  • Treat other students and staff with respect and fairness
  • Follow any reasonable direction from staff
  • Not engage in plagiarism, collusion or cheating in assessment activities
  • Submit assessment activities by the due date or seek approval to extend the due
  • Return company equipment and materials on time
  • Observe normal safety practices

Where a student continually breaches these guidelines or where a single incident is a serious breach of discipline, the following steps will be taken by CIVT staff:

  • The student will be invited to participate in a Counselling interview.
  • If this is not successful then the student will be issued a first written warning.
  • If this is still not successful then the student will be issued with a final written warning.
  • If these repeated attempts to manage unsatisfactory student behaviour fail then the student’s enrolment will be terminated.

15 Complaints / Appeals

CIVT is committed to dealing with complaints and appeals in a timely and constructive way. If wishing to make a complaint or an appeal concerning any aspect of a CIVT course, the student should refer to the following process:


Attempt to informally resolve the issue with appropriate CIVT staff.

• Learners may submit a complaint (verbally or in writing) directly to CIVT’s staff with the purpose to resolve a complaint through discussion and through mutual agreement. All complaints received will be acknowledged in writing by CIVT’s Management.
• CIVT’s staff are required to explain to the Learner the Informal, Formal and complaints and appeals processes available to them.
• Learners may be accompanied by a third party of their choice to support them in the informal process discussion.
• All informal complaints when finalised shall be reported to CIVT’s Management by CIVT’s staff (via a stakeholder feedback form) for further review and consideration for potential continuous improvement actions, regardless of whether the complaint was resolved or not.
• All informal complaints that are not resolved with Learners by mutual agreement with CIVT’s staff will require the completion of the formal complaints process.


When a Learner wishes to submit a formal complaint or is dissatisfied with the attempt to resolve a complaint informally (directly with staff) the Learner may submit a formal complaint to CIVT’s management utilising the 'Student Complaint Form'.




PO Box 352
Yeppoon 4703 QLD Australia

  • CIVT’s Management will respond in writing to all formal Learner complaints within 5 days of receipt of a 'Student Complaint Form'.
  • When a Complaint is recognised as requiring more than 60 calendar days to resolve, CIVT’s management must inform the complainant in writing, including reasons why more than 60 calendar days are required; and regularly update the complainant on the progress of the matter.
  • CIVT’s Management shall respond to formal complaints from Learners in writing proposing a resolution to the complaint.
  • CIVT’s Management responses to the complainant shall include information and procedures concerning the complainant’s right to appeal the proposed solution and request for an independent adjudicator.
  • All formal complaints when finalised shall be reported to CIVT’s Management by CIVT’s staff (via a stakeholder feedback form) for further review and consideration for potential continuous improvement actions, regardless of whether the complaint was resolved or not.


In the event of a Learner advising that they are dissatisfied with the proposed solution for a formal complaint to CIVT’s management, the CEO shall provide an additional opportunity to provide a solution and shall apply the External Appeal process.

External Appeals

  • The CEO shall advise the Learner that an Independent Third party shall be sought to consider the nature of the complaint and a possible further resolution at no cost to the Learner.
  • The selection of the Independent Third party shall be communicated with the Learner and the selection must be with the mutual agreement of the Learner.
  • CIVT’s management shall make contact with the Independent Third party and provide all documentation related to the formal complaint and Learner contact details.
  • Independent adjudication responses must be within 7 days from the date that all formal complaint documentation is provided to the Independent Adjudicator.
  • When an Appeal process is recognised as requiring more than 60 calendar days to resolve CIVT’s management must inform the appellant in writing, including reasons why more than 60 calendar days are required; and regularly update the appellant on the progress of the matter.
  • On receipt of the formal complaint documentation the Independent Third party shall make contact with CIVT’s Management staff and the Learner and arrange a suitable time for further discussion pertaining to the formal complaint.
  • All Independent Third Party proposed solutions shall be final and be reported to CIVT’s management and the Learner in writing and will require immediate implementation by both parties.

Assessment Appeals Procedure

Staff delivering training and assessment services on behalf of CIVT’s will be required to:

  • Provide timely guidance to all course participants regarding the assessment appeals procedure.
  • Clarify any aspects of the assessment results that a student does not understand.
  • Provide each student that requests an assessment appeal with the required 'Assessment Appeal form'.
  • Communicate directly via email as soon as possible with CIVT’s management on any advice (verbal or written) provided by a student that they are seeking to appeal an assessment decision.
  • Schedule a meeting with the student and CIVT’s management when a completed assessment appeal form is received from a student.
  • Communicate any outcome decision by CIVT’s management to uphold or overturn an assessment appeal to the student’s by completing the assessment appeal form clearly identifying the reason for the outcome.
  • All assessment appeals will be processed by CIVT’s staff and management within 10 days of receipt of an appeal. All assessment appeals must be maintained on the students file.
  • Student records will be adjusted to comply with CIVT’s management appeal outcome decisions.

16 Workplace Bullying and Harassment

CIVT aims to create a working environment which is free from harassment and where all members of staff are treated with dignity, courtesy and respect. Workplace bullying and harassment can be seen as the repeated, less favourable treatment of a person by another that may be considered unreasonable and inappropriate workplace practice. For example:

  • Physical
  • Verbal
  • Non-verbal.

Students with complaints concerning bullying and/or harassment should refer to the steps outlined in the Grievance Policy.

 17 Anti-discrimination

CIVT is committed to providing a safe caring environment where all employees have a right to work free from discrimination, harassment and bullying. Discrimination may be defined as unfair or prejudicial treatment of individuals or groups of individuals based on personal attributes, characteristics, idiosyncrasies or associations. Sexual harassment can be regarded as any form of unwelcome sexual attention that is offensive, intimidating or humiliating.

Racial harassment is defined by harassment on the basis of race, which can vary from relatively minor abuse to actual physical violence.

Students with complaints concerning Discrimination should refer to the steps outlined in the Grievance Policy.

18 Privacy Policy

Maintaining your privacy is a vital part of our relationship with you as a student. We are committed to the security of your personal information and strictly adhere to Australian government legislation (Privacy Act 1988).

The College of Integrative Veterinary Therapies collects and holds personal information regarding our students as a part of our functioning as an educational institution and in the conduct of our business and reporting requirements. We will not collect information that is not related to the running of our courses. The information we collect is used to communicate with you during the course and after the course. Any personal information collected by CIVT will stay confidential and will not be made available to any other source. We do not sell or pass on your information for the purposes of marketing.

The information collected is used for a variety of purposes including:

  • Student admissions
  • Student enrolment and progression
  • Provision of student services
  • Archival and statistical purposes
  • Course improvement and development purposes
  • Mandatory reporting to external agencies which include ASQA (Australian Skills Quality Authority) and NCVER (National Centre for Vocational Education Research)

You can ask us to provide you with access to the personal information we hold about you. All student information including results are held on a secure database and you can request your student records via contacting the College registrar (contact us). You will need to provide proof of identity to access this service once you have left the College.

It is important for the accuracy of our collection that you provide up to date contact information and if it changes that you let us know as soon as possible. If you do not advise us, we may not be able to provide communication or our services to you.

CIVT is committed to keeping information you provide secure and we will take all reasonable precautions to protect your personally identifiable information from loss, misuse, unauthorised access, alteration or disclosure. We have a range of procedures in place to provide a robust secure environment. We regularly review these measures to ensure their ongoing adequacy.

Any complaints regarding privacy matters should be directed to CIVT and the College will respond to you as soon as possible and within seven days, if it will take longer to investigate the complaint, we will advise you.

USI Privacy Notice - For students residing in Australia ONLY and enrolled in an accredited course, you will be required to apply for, or use a pre-existing, Unique Student Identifier (USI). We will assist you. If we need to apply for the USI for you, the following Privacy Policy applies: USI Privacy Policy.

19 Feedback and Continuous Improvement

CIVT is committed to the principle of continuous improvement. This is articulated in the Continuous Improvement Plan that is available on request. This Plan aims to support and strengthen compliance with Standards for RTOs 2015 Registered Training Organisations in a way that reflects the growth of CIVT, encourages innovation and measures and monitors outcomes. We welcome your feedback. Please complete this feedback form.

20 Version Control

CIVT will ensure that all forms and documents used in the delivery of qualifications under their scope will be accurate and up to date. As significant changes or amendments are made to documents then old versions will be recalled and new ones circulated.

At least once a year a complete review of all documents will occur with the date of review added to the Policy Index Checklist.

21 Validation Strategy

CIVT has a systematic way of ensuring that assessments undertaken are fair and reasonable and consistent with industry best practice. This is articulated in the Validation Strategy that is available upon request. Forms detailing validation processes are also available on request.

22 Risk Management

Risk management is the systematic, positive identification of threats to resources and the development of appropriate strategies which minimize risk.

CIVT has a systematic way of ensuring that all risks associated with the delivery and assessment of qualifications within its scope are minimized. Their Risk Management Action Plan is available on request.

23 Issuing Qualifications

CIVT is committed to issuing qualifications and statements of attainment that are within its scope of registration. It will do this in a timely manner in accordance with the VET Quality Framework requirements.

Please contact collegeoffice@civtedu.org if you would wish to obtain any of our policies.

24 Computer Requirements

CIVT is aware that there are many versions of computer software and operating systems in use.  Effectively engaging with our online resources will require the ability to:

  • open web pages
  • view embedded video and slideshows (eg, youtube)
  • download files
  • open .pdf documents
  • open, edit, save and upload documents created in .doc and .docx format

CIVT wishes all prospective students to make an informed decision prior to enrolling.