This four-part webinar series is offerred as a package. The entire series is FREE to CIVT veterinary members and discounted for all others.
The primary aim of this webinar series is to review or introduce business concepts that will help attendants gain clarity, insight and inspiration that they can apply to implement changes in their practices and start enjoying their business. Well managed companies have implemented processes that have made them efficient and profitable. Dr Vargas will be discussing most of these concepts in what she refers to as the Four Pillars of a Veterinary Business.
Financial Qi – Part 1 – Vision & Culture
Dr Vargas discusses the importance of creating a culture we can be proud of, she also explores the concept of money and the habits of successful entrepreneurs.
Financial Qi – Part 2 – Financial IQ
Focusses on the importance of business intelligence, sound operational systems and setting financial goals.
Financial Qi – Part 3 – Inventory Mastery
Discusses the balance of service to inventory, ideas for setting fee structures as well as pricing strategies.
Financial Qi Part 4 – Marketing 101
Outlines use of free media, networking, set up a referral program and ways to market your services.