While evidence builds supporting the integration of holistic therapies for our feline kidney patients, the debate for the most appropriate kidney friendly diet is on-going. Early research supported low protein, higher carbohydrate diets that followed canine and rodent models. In the early 2000s, the recognition of the protein needs of this obligate carnivore challenged the restricted protein model. Ever since, research and clinical applications have looked at modifying diets by IRIS staging and types of kidney disease. Yet, complications of sarcopenia, anorexia, cachexia, and poor appetites can remain, affecting long term management and quality of life. In this presentation we’ll look at a range of diets that include macronutrient variations, restricted phosphorus and protein types. We’ll compare commercial foods and fresh foods to help with compliance by the cat . . . and the owner. And, we’ll address bioavailability and toxicity concerns of processed foods, as well as sourcing of select ingredients such as phosphorus and their effects on renal health.