Homeopathy in one form or another has been used in human and veterinary medicine for centuries, although the homeopathy used today is a relatively recent discovery. The homeopathic approach is very different from conventional medicine. It is perhaps one of the most individualised and patient centric modalities - ten animals with the same ‘disease’ might all receive a different single homeopathic remedy. It is also a very safe approach and can successfully be used alone or alongside other CAM modalities as well as conventional medicine. Homeopathy is very deep acting and as such is a valuable tool in the toolbox of a holistic vet and can produce life changing improvements in our patients. However, it has become one of the most contentious complementary therapies with outspoken arguments on either side. One of the most commonly repeated arguments against the use of homeopathy is that ‘there is no evidence to support its use’. In this webinar we will look at some of the evidence available to support the use of homeopathy.