Raw feeding for dogs and cats has grown in popularity over the last 30 years. Recent surveys show that raw feeding is more prevalent than most veterinarians believe. The raw food pet category is the fastest growing pet food category in the United States. It is estimated that over 30% of dog owners in the United States and 60% of dog owners in Australia feed some raw food as a percentage of their dog's diet. Even so, veterinarians continue to discourage raw feeding. Recent studies are starting to demonstrate the clinical benefits of feeding raw food diets, and veterinarians should be willing to have conversations with pet owners about the risks and benefits of raw feeding. This lecture examines these trends around raw food feeding and the research that can provide discussion points between veterinarians and pet owners regarding raw food feeding.
Dr Wynn is presenting another live webinar for CIVT, Raw Diets: Can they be made safely? On Wednesday 17th August, please click HERE to learn more.